Thursday, December 19, 2013

Getting My PMR Results!!!

Omg guys, I was freaking out this morning. My hands and legs were shaking and my tummy was making weird noises. The time has finally come. In 4 hours time, I'm about to collect my PMR results! This is the final year for PMR and I was one of the unfortunate students but I can't escape it can't I. I really really wanna get straight A's. I've been working my ass of for the past 3 years for this exam and if I don't reach my expectations, I'll be pretty disappointed. I woke up early this morning because I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't eat too much for breakfast as I didn't have an appetite either. We all have to wear our full school uniforms. I honestly don't think it's necessary!

My worried face. I had it on the entire time.

I also had my fingers crossed the entire time. Okay, before that, you guys are probably wondering why am I getting so paranoid over something so minor. Well, I take exams very seriously and this exam is important to me! I bet if you were in my shoes, you would feel the same way.

I reached school and I saw a bunch of students waiting outside the hall. I asked my parents to wait in the car until I found out that the principal will be announcing the results and parents are allowed to enter the hall and watch. My parents found out and they wanted to come in. I also found out that the principal will only be calling out the straight A's students on stage. The non- straight A's will collect their results from their class teachers. The so called 'ceremony' started and the straight A's will be called out in alphabetical order. When it came to the letter D, I started freaking out because there's no one I know whose name starts with the letter E and F. My name starts with the letter G. Finally, my name was called and I was on cloud 9. I started sweating and my hands were getting cold. Anyway, I ran up on stage and received my results slip. 

Try to guess where I am. I'll give you a hint, I'm the one with the freaked out, non-smiling face. Yes, I was still in shock. 

And that's obviously me taking a selfie. 

 Please ignore the fact that I'm sweating like a pig and my face is oily. Anxiety did it!

I was hanging out with my friends for a bit and then I went home :) Before I end this post, here's a photo of a beautiful christmas tree I saw. Although it has nothing to do with the topic of the day, it's nice to get into the Christmas spirit as Christmas is just around the corner :)

That is one huge tree! All right, that's all, bye :)

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